
Groups & Classes

BRAINS is maximizing the potential of families through understanding the complex relationship between the brain, body, and real life. Please contact us if you have feedback or would like to speak with a support staff about registering for a group or class.

BRAINS offers therapeutic groups and miscellaneous classes designed specifically for infants, children, adolescents, and adults. Throughout the year clinicians provide specialized groups and classes to fit the needs of our community. Topics are chosen to address the social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties that can appear throughout the lifespan. Classes and groups come in all shapes and sizes and change season to season. Please stay tuned for updates in these and other happenings on Facebook.

All groups, events, and classes are subject to change and/or cancellation dependent on the level of attendance. Groups must meet the therapeutic and clinical requirements of both the participants and the facilitators. Families will be notified TWO WEEKS before the start of scheduled groups/classes to communicate a cancellation. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Cost of a group is due in full regardless of session attendance. No discounts or refunds will be issued for missed sessions.