About Us


A little over two years ago our daughter, Sarah, started counseling with Chris Roberts at BRAINS. She was struggling with anxiety and depression. When I called to make an appointment for her the front office staff took some information from me about her and what what going on, and they told me they thought Chris would be a good fit for Sarah. They were 100% right! Chris has been a huge help, and influence in her life. She has grown so much in the years she’s worked with Chris. The transformation in her was amazing! So when our youngest daughter started to struggle with some of the same issues, Chris, although he had a full patient load, took her on as well. He has also helped her a lot in the short few months she’s been seeing him. He holds a special place in our hearts! He is amazing at his job and you can really tell he loves it. We are so thankful for Chris and BRAINS!

Amy W.

I received your report today and just finished reading it. I cannot express to you enough the tremendous amount of gratitude I am feeling right now! This information is priceless, explains how my son is wired and how to help him. It is worth every penny it will cost me. Thank you very much for your thorough and prompt assistance with my situation. I appreciate your excellent, professional assistance with my situation SO much!!

Grateful Parent

Thank you so much for all of your assistance. Reading over the report it all seems to make sense with his history and current behaviors. It is a relief to have more clarity and light shed on the root of the issues. It truly felt like we were walking in the dark. It feels like we can finally start our journey toward calm. I understand we may never be completely calm but I do believe if we can help him manage his sensory issues he will get to a state where he will be able to get back to his thinking/learning brain and make great progress. From the bottom of my heart thank you again for your help!

Grateful Parent

Thank you so much for guiding us through this process! It’s been a long journey trying to understand and get her the proper help. I really appreciate your time and dedication, I felt that I was actually being heard. I was starting to doubt myself but I have learned that parents tend to know their children the best and can tell when something needs addressed. The fact that you took the time to meet with me and explained how girls tend to be overlooked because they present symptoms differently so it often isn’t until later kind of lifted a weight from me because I felt that many people questioned why she hadn’t been diagnosed by now. I know you all do this day in and day out but coming from a parent it is so greatly appreciated! I just want to do what’s best for my daughter and felt a lot of push back from various sources over the years, compared to trying to work with me and guide her down the path that suites her best. She’s so smart and such a great kid, she’s just unfortunately hindered by these disabilities and I want to show her that she can do anything she puts her mind to, even if it means going in a different direction than others. So again, thank you for your time and wonderful understanding and knowledge. Compassion and understanding goes a long way in this field and in this world and that is what I received each time we’ve been to your office. So thank you!

Grateful Parent