Identifying the Need for Speech & Language Therapy

warning signs graphics

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) posted the following opinions of over 1,000 Audiologists and Speech-language pathologists;

-The #1 leading barrier to early identification of communication disorders, according to these professionals, is a lack of awareness about the warning signs.

-56% of parents are not aware that by addressing the symptoms of communication disorders early, treatment is often less expensive and takes less time.

-32% say that, on average, the symptoms of hearing loss are going undetected in children 1 year or longer.

-70% say they don\’t think parents of young children fully appreciate how vital everyday communication-talking, reading, singing-is to their child\’s development.

-69% say parents of young children are not aware of the early warning signs of speech/language disorders.

Luckily, at BRAINS, our speech-language therapists enjoy working closely with both clients and their families to improve communication skills. Our therapists have found that family involvement in therapy is an essential tool to progress and success. For more information about communication disorders, visit

Stay tuned for more information about Speech & Language therapy during the month of May as we celebrate Communication For All during Better Hearing & Speech Month.